Construction of Rockfill Mixed Dam with Reinforced Concrete Face Slab for the Upper Reservoir of Jiangsu Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station 江苏宜兴抽水蓄能电站上库面板堆石混合坝建设实践
Finite Element Method Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Manifold of Pumped Storage Power Station 抽水蓄能电站钢筋混凝土分岔管有限元分析
The reinforced concrete face slab for the upper reservoir of the Shisanling Pumped Storage Power Station is a structure under bitter cycle of freezing and thawing. 十三陵抽水蓄能电站上水库的钢筋混凝土面板是一种在严酷冻融循环条件下运行的钢筋混凝土结构。
Information on The Form Bracing Technology and The Working Method of Reinforced Concrete Tube Storage Taper Funnels 钢筋砼筒仓圆锥形漏斗支模工艺及施工方法
To facilitate emptying the water, high pressure reinforced concrete bifurcations with flat bottom are used in the Stage ⅱ project of Guangzhou Pumped Storage Station. 广州抽水蓄能电站(下称广蓄电站)二期工程高压钢筋混凝土岔管采用平底岔管的型式,以利放空排水。
A simplified computation method on crack-resistance of reinforced concrete rectangle storage cistern 混凝土矩形贮液池抗裂验算的简化方法
Design of Field Simulation Pilot Tunnel for High Pressure Reinforced Concrete Bifurcations for Guangzhou Pumped Storage Station 广州蓄能电站高压钢筋砼岔管现场模拟试验洞设计
The application of flake resin mastic to large reinforced concrete storage pools for corrosion prevention 鳞片树脂胶泥在大型钢筋混凝土贮池腐蚀防护中的应用
Field simulation pilot tunnel for high pressure reinforced concrete bifurcations is a large-sized scientific research item for Guangzhou Pumped Storage Station. 广州抽水蓄能电站高压钢筋砼岔管现场模拟试验洞是一项大型的试验科研项目,它主要为广州抽水蓄能电站高压钢筋砼岔管服务。
Therefore, the study on the working behaviour of underground reinforced concrete bifurcated pipe is helpful to the construction of our pumped storage hydropower station. 因此,研究高压大型地下钢筋混凝土岔管的工作性态,对我国大型抽水蓄能电站的建设以及完善相应的设计准则是大有裨益的。
Secondly, analyze the dynamic reaction of the reinforced concrete rectangular liquid storage, discuss the displacement, stress and strain distribution of the liquid storage. 其次,对地震作用下钢筋混凝土矩形贮液结构的动力响应进行了分析。探讨了贮液结构在不同地震波作用下的位移、应力-应变分布等情况。